¿Qué ver en Opal hills loop trailhead, Lago maligne?
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The Opal Hills Loop Trailhead is located at the famous Maligne Lake in Jasper National Park, Canada. The trail is 8.5 km long and takes approximately 4-6 hours to complete. The trailhead is open from June to September and there is no fee to access the trail.
The best way to access the Opal Hills Loop Trailhead is to take a shuttle from the Maligne Lake parking lot. The shuttle runs from mid-June to mid-September and costs $14 per person. Alternatively, visitors can hike the 14 km round trip from the Maligne Lake parking lot to the trailhead.
There is no official website for the Opal Hills Loop Trailhead, but visitors can find information about the trail at the Parks Canada website or at the Maligne Lake Visitor Centre.
In addition to the Opal Hills Loop Trail, visitors can enjoy a variety of activities in the Maligne Lake area. Boat tours of the lake are available from mid-May to mid-October and cost $74 per person. Visitors can also hike the 3.2 km Mary Schäffer Loop or the 8.7 km Bald Hills Trail for stunning views of the surrounding mountains and glaciers. The Maligne Canyon is also a popular attraction for hiking and exploring.
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